How To Choose A Good Boarding School

Aarushi Singh
3 min readDec 4, 2019


While there are a number of boarding schools to choose from identifying the top boarding school in Delhi can seem like a very cumbersome process. There are so many things that parents need to look into like the administration, the ambiance, quality of teachers present, extra-curricular activities taking place etc. The research work in case of finding a good boarding school has to be much more in-depth. This is because in a day boarding school the child goes for only a few hours while when put into a boarding school, the child will only be allowed to come home for the holidays.

There is also the matter of the costs involved. It is very obvious that the costs involved in putting a child in a boarding school especially the IB Boarding Schools will be definitely more. Thus any wrong selection would result in a financial loss and also have a negative effect on the child’s morale. Some points which need to be looked into when looking for a good boarding school are:

· Identify the schools: In order to get the first filtered list of schools it is important for the parents to research any and every boarding school they come across. Nowadays most schools maintain an updated website. Thus going through them makes a parent understand and know a lot of things about the school. Reading the student and parent reviews put on the website will also give parents a rough idea about the school.

· Narrowing down: From the first list of selected schools, the parents have to narrow down the selection to about 4 or 5 so that they can visit the same. The narrowing down of the first list generated should be done on the basis of the following criteria:

o Single sex schools or so-educational schools,

o Small school with few students or a large Top Boarding School in Delhi,

o Does to belong to a particular religion,

o Extra-curricular activities and sports that they have,

o Is it a military school,

o Does it fulfill any specials needs the child may have etc.

· Visiting the schools: This might seem time consuming but it is a mandatory aspect of choosing a good boarding school. In fact the interview process helps the parents understand the ambiance of the school, what they are looking for, what they are focusing on etc. The answer to these questions will actually decide whether the school will be appropriate for the child and if it is in sync with what the parents want.

· Admission test: Most schools including the IB Boarding Schools conduct some sort of admission test. The child needs to be prepared for this and it is the parent’s duty to understand the whole admission process and also if they are willing for their child to go through it and how they can prepare the child for it.

· Fees: This is another very important aspect of the whole procedure of selection of a boarding school for a child. The affordability also decides which boarding school the parents will select. Thus one needs to have a very clear idea of the finances involved and how they are going to manage the same.

Once all the above criteria have been looked into and fulfilled the parents will be able to get their child admitted to a good boarding school and be happy with their choice.

